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Happy Ranchers:
Hi Peter, Please remove our listing – we have had over 300 applicants … and we hired one!
– Cross Canyon Ranch
Avon, MT
Can you please remove the listing, the job has been filled. Thank you! We had over 70 applications!
– Cerise Ranch
Salmon, ID
We have been inundated with interest. Can you please mark the position as filled? thanks for your help!
– Healing Springs Farm
Independence, VA
We have filled the position with a wonderful couple who will be moving here mid-April. We received many, many very qualified applicants and never would have found the right folks without the listing in Our listing went live on Feb. 9th. Please remove.
– Private Ranch
Independence, TX
Please cancel my ad for caretaker for a small ranch in Central Texas. I can no longer handle the flood of new applicants. I had an applicant within a few hours after the ad appeared, and they keep coming … I have been impressed with your website, I am so glad I found it. I have a short list that is loaded with very impressive people.
– George
Rock Island, TX
I would like to CLOSE my Job Posting for Ranch Hand needed at Ranch in Carrizo Springs, TX! I have filled the position. Thank you for having website that is reliable and trustworthy, I have had nothing but success as far as serious inquiries and filling positions go.
– Private Ranch
Carrizo Springs, TX
I have been overwhelmed with responses (over 100) and have a hard enough time keeping up with the current submissions, but am still getting many calls and emails every day. I feel confident that we can come to terms with someone in the current pool.
– Mark
Stanford, Montana
My ad started on September 19. You can remove it, I have found someone. Thank you, your website is awesome it helped me so much.
– Texana Ranch
Blackwell, TX
Dear RanchWork team, The position has been filled. I’m amazed how many people with great Bios I found on your site.
Thank you.– Highlander Farm
Russelville, AL
Thank you for having this website! We got a great couple and they found us here!
– O BAR C Ranch
Concan, TX
You have a great site I received more than 50 resumes and interviewed 10 people who were all qualified. Thanks for such a great site. I have recommended your site to many potential employers. Keep up the great work. Thanks again.
– Willow Creek Ranch
Livingston, MT
Thank you! Your site works very well!
– Holden Land & Livestock, LLC
Worden, MT
Thanks Peter – had great response to the ad !! Would do it again! Definitely worth the fee.. y’all make it easier! Thanks!!
– Kellee
Poolville, TX
Hey Peter. We ended up finding what seems to be the perfect couple thanks to your site. You guys are lifesavers. Go ahead and close down our ad as filled. Thanks again and have a great day.
– Brandon
Free, TX
Thank you for your help with this position we had open. We did finally get the position filled, so you guys can go ahead and remove the ad. Again, thank you for your help. will be my first go-to when I need another rancher!
– Tyler
Healy, KS
Thank you for the help with this ad. Your site has been perfect for what we need and we always get great responses.
– Misty
Gunnison, CO
Please remove/cancel job listing. We have filled the position. Your applicants and website were great […] we got great response from your site. Thank you.
– Susan
Liberty, TX
Thank you! We are already getting applicant calls!
– Sharon
Bokchita, OK
We are thrilled with the response for our open position as Operations Manager in Northern California!
– Absher Land & Livestock
Hughson, CA
READ THIS:: All jobs submitted must follow the EEOC (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) guidelines. Those guidelines include: “federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person’s race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.” Job listings which do not follow these rules will be deleted (& refunded if necessary).
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