Circle Bar B Guest Ranch & Stables
Looking for an Experienced wrangler at a year-round Guest Ranch.
Wrangler position available at a year-round Guest Ranch riding stables. Looking for a person with good horse skills, self starter, reliable and dependable. Must have great people skills. Job includes all aspects of horse care including feeding, saddling, doctoring, brushing and overall care of a herd of 50 horses. The position would also require maintaining riding equipment, corrals , trails, vehicles, buildings, overall upkeep of the horse facilities and guiding trail rides. Wrangler also needs to know how to match horses with riders.
The ranch has been in operation for over 80 years, located on the Gaviota coastal side of the Santa Ynez mountains, 25 mile north of Santa Barbara, California. Position includes guiding trail rides from 1 1/2 hours – 4 hours long in the Santa Ynez mountains with beautiful spectacular ocean views in a mild , year-round climate. We have a Full time position as well as Part time/seasonal position with living quarters and utilities. The guides/wrangler receive some of the best tips in the country!!
To apply, forward bio & resume to our email address. PLEASE SEND PHOTOS AND VIDEOS THAT HIGHLIGHT YOUR HORSE SKILLS.
Call if you need additional information.
Our website: https://www.circlebarbstables.com/
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California Ranch Jobs, Southern California Ranch Jobs
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All Ranch Jobs, Guest / Dude Ranch Jobs, Horse Care / Training Jobs, Horseback Riding / Trail Guide Jobs, Summer Ranch Jobs, Wrangler Jobs