Moose Head Ranch
We are seeking a responsible, mature and organized person to oversee the daily operations of the housekeeping and waitstaff (11 college-aged students).
The applicant must be a leader as well as a team player. They will be present at meals to expedite food and fill in where necessary, ensure facilities are up to our high standards of cleanliness as well as socially interact with the guests to make sure everyone is satisfied with their stay.
We work long days beginning at 7 am with an afternoon break to relax. The job is 6 days a week allowing for one day to enjoy our surroundings (hiking, fishing, rafting, museums and exploring Jackson Hole).
The supervisor has their own private cabin and meals are included. They will need to be one of the first employees to arrive to help "open" the ranch and one of the last to depart to "close".
Approximate work dates: May 20-Aug 20. The supervisor will be moving around between cabins and lodge all day so keep in mind it is not a stationary job.
Singles only, no pets.
The salary for this Supervisor position $2,750/month plus room and board plus bonus based on personality and performance.
To apply, forward bio & resume to our email address.
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Wyoming Ranch Jobs
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Administrative/Operations Jobs, All Ranch Jobs, Entry Level Ranch Jobs, Guest / Dude Ranch Jobs, Housekeeping Jobs, Summer Ranch Jobs, Wait Staff / Kitchen Staff Jobs