320 Guest Ranch
We are looking for wranglers with guest ranch wrangling experience as well as extensive horse background.
The main duty is the care and upkeep of our herd of trail and draft horses and overseeing the animals and guests on the trails.
The ranch takes out thousands of trail rides in a summer and ensuring that the horses and guests are safe is priority number one along with ensuring the guests have a great ranch experience.
Knowledge of teamster driving draft horse teams is a plus.
Cleaning out stalls, feeding horses, saddling horses and going out on trail rides are part of the duties.
CPR and first aid certification are required for this position.
In the winter, chopping wood, stacking wood at cabins, snow removal and driving the sleigh teams are also a part of the position.
If you would like to be considered for a position as a wrangler, please email us a video of your riding abilities along with your application or resume.
Visit website here: https://320ranch.com/
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Montana Ranch Jobs
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All Ranch Jobs, Barn Hand Jobs, Entry Level Ranch Jobs, Equestrian Ranch Jobs, Equine Jobs, Guest / Dude Ranch Jobs, Horse Care / Training Jobs, Horseback Riding / Trail Guide Jobs, Ranch Jobs with Housing, Summer Ranch Jobs, Wrangler Jobs