Village Creek Bible Camp
Combine your passion for horses with a great work opportunity. Each summer Village Creek Bible Camp hires 7-8 summer wranglers to invest in the lives of campers of all ages as they enjoy a fun & safe horse experience and to help care for our herd of 20+ horses. Wranglers lead rides on the numerous trails throughout the camp’s beautiful 220 acres (for those ages 12+). Arena Lessons/Instruction Hours (for kids ages 8+) and Little Dudes classes (for kids ages 3-7) allow wranglers to teach about horses and riding during youth and family camps. We also offer 8 weeks of CHA (Certified Horsemanship Association) curriculum-based horsemanship camps.
We desire to hire summer wranglers who love Jesus, are confident/controlled riders, are willing learners, work hard, have eyes for safety, professionally engage with all ages, and enjoy working with horses. Our Summer 2015 horse opportunities stretch from May 9-September 7,2015 – though we recognize not everyone is able to commit to the full seventeen weeks. Most summer wranglers work full summers (12+ weeks) or half summers (5-6 weeks), with longer commitments preferred.
Community housing on property included free and 20 meals/week… helps drastically cut down on your expenses
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