Scholls Ferry Farm
WANTED: individuals with experience in herding sheep.
Job description: Attends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Beds down flock near evening campsite when on range. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions.
Experienced and knowledgeable in butcher/slaughtering.
Hours: “on call” for up to 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Shall assist in lambing, docking and shearing. May feed animals supplementary feed. May perform other farm or ranch chores related to the production and husbandry of sheep on an incidental basis.
Contact us with bio & resume: info@schollsferryfarm.com
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Oregon Ranch Jobs
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All Ranch Jobs, Ranch Hand Jobs, Sheep / Goat Ranch Jobs