Bar NI Ranch
The Bar NI Ranch, a 37,000 acre private guest ranch in southern Colorado, has an immediate opening for a ranch hand. Duties will include irrigation, fencing, general maintenance, hay production and caring for livestock. This position is not a horseback riding position but may be able to bring one horse (must be approved by head wrangler) for riding during off-time. An ideal candidate would have some hunting experience to assist with retrievals and skinning during the fall elk hunts. This position starts immediately and runs through November 2023.
Please only apply if long hours and hard work in all weather conditions are not an issue for you. Must be physically fit especially at our high elevation. The main requirement is a hard work ethic with excellent team work skills. We are willing to train the right person. We need someone that can take direction but work independently. All applicants must successfully pass a background check prior to being hired.
Salary (DOE), tips, housing (shared – NO FAMILY HOUSING AVAILABLE AND NO PETS PLEASE), meals and performance based end of the season bonus.
Please send resume with work history to Joel D. via email.
Visit website here: https://thebarniranch.com/
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Colorado Ranch Jobs
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All Ranch Jobs, Butcher / Meat Processing Jobs, Entry Level Ranch Jobs, Guest / Dude Ranch Jobs, Hay Ranch Jobs, Hunting Ranch Jobs, Outfitter Jobs, Private Ranch Jobs, Ranch Hand Jobs, Ranch Handyman / Maintenance Jobs, Ranch Jobs with Housing, Resort / Recreational Ranch Jobs, Summer Ranch Jobs