Elk Tooth Ranch
This person (or couple) will need their own job for income. This listing is for assistance on our hobby ranch periodically throughout the year. The compensation of the assistance will be in the form or free rent of a separate living apartment or reduced rent depending on the work assistance provided.
We have currently have 7 yaks, 4 cats, 1 dog and Chickens. We currently travel outside of the country for 3 months at one time. We travel throughout the year sporadically. It is imperative that the caretaker(s) live on the property to provide sufficient care and oversight of the property.
The ranch is 200 acres in Southern Colorado foothills. The normal daily duties when not in the country is approximately 1 to 2 hours per day.
There are several opportunities to perform other services to reduce living expenses, i.e., house cleaning, cooking, forestry work, etc.
To apply, forward bio & resume to our email address.
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Colorado Ranch Jobs
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