Ranch Manager needed at Beef Cattle & Crop Operation in Bellevue, Iowa ~ $40k-$60k

Filled / Expired

Peters Beef Genetics

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Bellevue, IA
Job Type
Full Time, Year round
Hourly, $40,000 - $60,000 per year DOE
Date Posted
July 24, 2024
Housing Offered
0-2 yrs

Peters Beef Genetics is seeking a qualified applicant for full-time employment in their beef cattle and crop operation. This position involves many areas of the beef industry including cow-calf, seedstock, bred heifer development and feed lot.

General responsibilities will include, but are not limited to the following:


Cow-Calf (Commercial, Seedstock & Bred Heifer Program)

  • Daily feeding and management.
  • Synchronize and AI commercial cows and heifers.
  • Daily pasture management (rotational grazing, electric fence, etc.)
  • Detail weekly management logs and maintenance of cattle records.

Fed Cattle

  • Daily feeding and management.
  • Processing and record keeping of incoming cattle.
  • Sorting and shipping fed cattle to various branded markets or value-based grids.

Crop Production

  • Work in all aspects of crop production including corn, soybeans, hay, oats, silage, etc.


  • Development of Infrastructure
  • Continued development of feeding infrastructure (yards, bunks, fences, equipment, etc.)
  • General construction and building (new and updating of existing buildings.)
  • Machinery maintenance and upkeep
  • Land and pasture renovation and fencing

Personal Development

Pursue educational/developmental opportunities on a local, state or national basis that serve to facilitate effective decision making and planning in the position described.


The individual must be a self-starter, proactive and forward thinking with a “make things happen” results-oriented mentality.

They must possess high integrity, positive ethics and values appropriate for a leader in the beef industry.


Forward cover letter & resume to our email address. Or call for more info.

Visit website here: https://petersbeefgenetics.com/

Peters Beef Genetics Iowa

Peters Beef Genetics-IOWA

Peters Beef Genetics-IOWA

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