Ranch Manager needed at 3,000+ acre Cattle & Sheep Operation in Glide, Oregon

Filled / Expired

Mont Alto Ranch

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Roseburg, OR
Job Type
Full Time, Year round
Date Posted
June 20, 2024
Housing Offered
0-2 yrs



Lone Rock Resources and the Sohn family have owned and operated the Mont Alto Ranch in Glide, Oregon since 1974. This ranch is a world class operation that is widely recognized for excellence in animal husbandry. Specifically, the ranch has partnered with Oregon State University for decades to use Mont Alto’s lambing barn as an experiential education opportunity for agricultural students. The ranch operations consist of 5,500 acres and we average 800 head of cattle and 1,500 head of sheep in a full cow/calving and sheep/lambing operation. The operation provides a unique opportunity for a qualified Ranch Manager to run one of the most unique ranch operations in the Pacific Northwest, and primary sheep and cattle producers, in the Pacific Northwest. The position of Ranch Manager reports directly to the President and CEO of Lone Rock Resources and is responsible for all activities on the ranch.

Job Responsibilities

Oversee day to day operations and planning
The Ranch Manager will oversee staff, develop daily and weekly work plans and ensure the daily ranch operations run smoothly.

Understanding of soils and crop management
The Ranch Manager will be responsible for soil management and crop production, including irrigation, use of herbicides and pesticides and fertilizers.

Pasture management and grazing knowledge.
The ranch requires an in-depth background and understanding of both rotational grazing and set stocking rates. An individual must be able to identify forage growth rate and grazing need. To capture genetics, one must understand its relationship to managing forages. Cattle and sheep graze and/or browse differently.

Knowledge of irrigation, water
The Ranch Manager will oversee annual system setup, and details of irrigation plans.

Animal Husbandry & Animal Science
An understanding of genetics is needed to ensure the longevity and health of the herd. It is also important that the Ranch Manager has an understanding of what is working for others in our region and to ensure we are using best practices. They should also have an understanding bull genetics, how to raise cow calves and lambs.

Experience with Cow/Calf Operation
At any given point there can be over 800 cows in this operation and the operation includes bulls and a cow/calm operation.

Experience with Sheep/Lambing Operation
We generally run a little over 1,500 sheep on our ranch and annually manage almost 1,000 lambs.

Must have knowledge in understanding livestock and commodities markets and the ability to market livestock 9-10 months in advance. Must be able to create and implement new and creative marketing strategies.

Predator Control
With our lambing and calving operations, predator control is a must. Management of our predator control procedures and coordination with federal programs and local operators is an important element of protecting our operation.

Communication Skills
It is important that the Ranch Manager be able to communicate with our employees, contractors, vendors, buyers, and neighbors to ensure a good working relationship. In addition, the Ranch Manager will have an active relationship with the Sohn Family, who occasionally recreate on the ranch property during the year. It will be important that the Ranch Manager be able to communicate effectively with all of the constituents.

Economic knowledge
A successful candidate will understand the need for marginal analysis in the operation and have a basic understanding of bookkeeping and accounting. Must be able to research and purchase supplies at minimum costs and for the correct volumes.

Mechanical knowledge
Some working mechanical knowledge is a benefit to this position. The Ranch Manager needs to be able to understand the equipment necessary for an operation of this size and have some knowledge of purchasing, repairs, and service of equipment.

Personnel management skills
The Ranch Manager must be able to hire, develop and evaluate employees. This includes but not limited to; assessing personnel needs, selecting people to fill those needs, training them to do the job and consistently evaluating and helping them develop.

Sense of Ownership
It is critical that the Ranch Manager have a sense of ownership of the ranch. This ranch has always operated as a working ranch and not as a corporate ranch. The Ranch Manager should feel a sense of pride in ownership in terms of what they are able to build and accomplish with the ranch.

Steward of the Land
The Ranch Manager must be steward of the land. The Sohn family has taken great pride in managing the ranch with a high degree of stewardship and care. There is pride in going the extra step or spending the extra dollar to do the right thing on the land.


Forward cover letter & resume to our email address. Or call for more info.

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