Ranch Maintenance, Senior Citizen Companion needed.
Daily : feed approximately 150 head of horses and bulls
Need at least 10 years experience with large animals. Experience with heavy machinery like bobcats and tractors.
Will need experience fixing fence, vehicle maintenance. responsibilities will also include yard work, maintenance.
Will have to grocery shop/ run errands for 86 year old woman.
If you want a life where no two days are the same, live where its quiet, and remote, but can still handle things when they are high paced, then this position may be for you. Must be able to pass a thorough background check, and be a non-smoker. Most weeks you will have weekends off, but in the summer months you will often be asked to feed the animals in the morning, however you will be paid additionally for any weekends that you work. We are open to either a man or woman. More important that its a good fit for everyone.
Housing is a fully furnished house, washer dryer, large screen TV, fully equipped kitchen. forced heat and air conditioning. Approximately 20 miles from the city. 12 miles of gravel road. Vehicles provided when working.
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