U Lazy U Ranch
Ranch hand needed on a small family ranch in Jackson Wyoming. Full time, year round position, includes housing and monthly salary.
The job would include help with calving, irrigating, fencing, haying and winter feeding. Mechanical skills and ability to run equipment is a plus.
We are looking for a candidate who loves the lifestyle, can tolerate a long Wyoming winter, and would like to find a long term position in a beautiful setting. Someone with the ability to work alone and problem solve.
Jackson Hole is a special part of the country—we’re looking for the right candidate to help us keep ranching as part of this community.
Forward cover letter & resume to our email address. Or call for more info.
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Wyoming Ranch Jobs
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All Ranch Jobs, Cattle Ranch Jobs, Family Ranch Jobs, Farm Ranch Jobs, Hay Ranch Jobs, Ranch Hand Jobs, Ranch Handyman / Maintenance Jobs, Ranch Jobs with Housing, Ranch Mechanic Jobs