We are a rotational grazing operation on the outskirts of Sherman TX. We operate on lease properties scattered through out the area. We run a large cow/calf herd, a herd of finisher cattle, a flock of hair sheep, and pigs. As we try to begin direct marketing our meat to consumers we will be needing extra hands to keep things up and running on the ranch.
Responsibilities include:
- Transportation of Livestock
- Herding cattle into corrals
- Loading and unloading cattle into stock trailers
- Driving goose neck trucks and trailers full of cattle to new lease pastures
- Building/maintaining poly wire and high tensile wire electric fences
- Regularly mowing / weed whacking fence lines
- Regularly checking fence lines at different lease properties before cattle arrive and fixing all breaks and electrical shorts
- Building new high tensile perimeter fences on all new leases
- Brush Clearing
- Chopping and spraying baby trees
- Operating skid steer tree saw and grapple to clear brush and wooded areas
- Working Livestock
- Tagging, vaccinating, loading, weighing, taking blood samples, herding in pens
- Herding Livestock
- Assisting ranch manager in herding cattle down back roads from lease to lease
- Operation and Maintenance of equipment
- 4 wheeler
- Tractor
- Skid steer
- Feed truck
- Livestock and hay trailers
This position will be mainly working solo at fence maintenance and building, brush clearing, and equipment maintenance. Ranch Hand will assist Ranch manager with livestock during large events such as moving cattle long distances in trucks, preg checking, herding livestock down the road etc., as well as performing the morning chores on the weekends.
Must know how to operate all the listed equipment and build electric fence.
Work schedule is:
- Monday-Friday, 7am- 6pm
- Weekends 7 am- whenever basic chores are finished
- Schedule can be discussed as far as days desired off, but this is general. Hours vary during winter months and on big event days.
Raises available with exceptional work.
Forward cover letter & resume to our email address.
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Texas Ranch Jobs
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All Ranch Jobs, Cattle Ranch Jobs, Farm Ranch Jobs, Groundskeeping Jobs, Ranch Hand Jobs, Ranch Handyman / Maintenance Jobs, Sheep / Goat Ranch Jobs