Deer Creek Ranch
Ranch / Farm Hand Needed for Cow/Calf and Hay Operation
Ranch hand needed on a Northern California ranch with cattle and hay farming. Time would be split about 50/50 working a 120 head cow/calf operation and assisting with an alfalfa farming operation. The job requires a wide range of work, ideal candidate will be well rounded and have a strong work ethic.
Candidates must be motivated and able to work in a team setting and independently. This person will work alongside the ranch manager in daily operations.
Farm Work Includes, but not limited to:
- Operation and maintenance of hay equipment and some heavy equipment
- Experience with modern farm and hay equipment operation, field prep, maintaining and servicing equipment, pivot irrigation.
- Welding and mechanical abilities are desired, but not required.
- Other farm related duties.
Ranch Work Includes, but not limited to:
- Feeding cattle
- Calving out heifers
- Weaning
- Branding
- Rotating pastures
- General cow work, including necessary doctoring
- Repair/build fencing and maintenance
- Other related ranch duties.
Competitive salary based on experience and skills.
Must have a valid driver’s license. CDL preferred but not required. Two years of experience. Housing provided, 3 bed / 2 bath. Must provide your own horse, stabling provided. Benefits include use of work truck; available employee contribution 401(k); stipend to maintain horse (farrier); and feed for horse (up to 2 Horses).
Forward cover letter & resume to our email address. Or call for more info.
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California Ranch Jobs, Northern California Ranch Jobs
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All Ranch Jobs, Cattle Ranch Jobs, Farm Ranch Jobs, Hay Ranch Jobs, Ranch Hand Jobs, Ranch Handyman / Maintenance Jobs, Ranch Jobs with Housing, Ranch Mechanic Jobs