Filled / Expired
Las Raices Ranch
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Encinal, TX
Job Type
Full Time
Date Posted
September 18, 2023
Housing Offered
5-10 yrs
Las Raices Ranch Caretaker Position
Encinal, Tx
✅ Salary ~$45k/yr
✅ New F250 Work Truck for Ranch use
✅ Guiding hunts for tips available if Qualified
Description of Ranch:
- We are a family owned ~4k acre high fenced ranch in Webb County, Texas.
- Owners live in San Antonio and are involved and engaged.
- The ranch has been intensely managed for whitetails since 1983 and has had a feeding program since 1998.
- The deer are 100% native. No importation or breeding/DMP of animals of any kind.
Description of Duties:
- Fill protein feeders ~26 feeders (~24 tons fed/month with 8k lb blower hopper)
- Fill and maintain corn feeders during deer season
- Check/Repair ranch water system
- Tend Cattle (Cattle are worked twice a year and rotated with Cubes)
- Keep Headquarters Presentable (Mow Yard, pick up Trash, Put away tools, close barn doors)
- Seasonal Shredding
- Drive and Repair Fences (We typically do not have as many problems with illegal traffic as those close to highway)
- Projects (Preferably both dictated by owners and self-initiated)
- Converse and coordinate with contractors on their jobs (Electricians, Water Well Operators, Cowboys, Oil field etc)
- Coordinate with San Antonio office and run off-ranch errands for the ranch
Job requirements:
- Self-Starter
- Common Sense
- Handy
- Communicates well and gets along with others
- Ability to lead ranch projects on the ground
- Heavy Lifting of 50lbs or more
- Willingness to learn and take direction
- Organized/Neat
- Proficient with heavy machinery including tractors and trucks/trailers, power tools, light welding
- Must have a clean driving record and be willing to submit to a background check
Beneficial Skills:
- Moderate Electrical Knowledge (can replace small job electrical components)
- General Brush Work Knowledge
- General Wildlife Knowledge
- General Deer Management Knowledge
- Hunter/Woodsman common sense skills
- Computer/Trail Camera Savvy
Forward cover letter & resume to our email address.
Visit website here: https://www.lasraicesranch.com/
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Texas Ranch Jobs
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All Ranch Jobs, Cattle Ranch Jobs, Family Ranch Jobs, Groundskeeping Jobs, Guest / Dude Ranch Jobs, Hunting Ranch Jobs, Private Ranch Jobs, Ranch Caretaker Jobs, Ranch Handyman / Maintenance Jobs, Ranch Jobs with Housing, Ranch Mechanic Jobs, Ranch Supervisor Jobs, Ranch Technician Jobs