Eagle Rock Reserve Owners Association
The Eagle Rock Reserve Owner’s Association (ERROA) is accepting resumes for the position of Ranch Caretaker/Manager. Eagle Rock Reserve (ERR) is a 774 acre property with 38 potential home sites located approximately 15 minutes outside of Bozeman. The Ranch Caretaker/Manager position requires managerial and operating skills with understanding of budgets, record keeping, land management, livestock, and equipment operation and maintenance. Interpersonal and communication skills are also required.
The Manager is a full-time, salaried position requiring variable hours, often dictated by seasons and weather. A rent-free four-bedroom residence is provided by ERROA and full-time residence at ERR is a condition of employment; The Manager reports directly to the President and the Board of Directors. The manager also works with the Association’s committee chairs, accountant, bookkeeper, Sheriff and Fire Department, and as a liaison to the local community.
Specific responsibilities include, but not are limited to, the following:
Ranch and land management
1. Hay production, harvest, and sales (approximately 165 acres)
2. Manage cow/calf stock on summer pasture (20 – 30 pairs)
3. Stock fencing, corral maintenance, limited irrigation
4. Noxious weed control
Barn/Horse Management
1. Assist ERR owners in management of horse boarding and adherence to association Barn Policies
2. Feed and manage the ERR horse herd (typically 12 to 20 horses)
3. Manage horse facilities (barn, paddocks, round pen, arena and pastures)
Road Management
1. Snow plow ERROA community roads
2. Grade and maintain 3.6 miles of gravel roads.
3. Arrange gravel additions
Security and Safety
1. Help assure safety of residents and visitors
2. Assist in providing security and privacy
3. Coordinate with the Fort Ellis Fire Department for periodic inspections and tests of water storage
4. Maintain plans for wild fire mitigation and response, and act as a liaison for the Eagle Rock community with fire and public safety officials.
Maintenance of ERROA Structures, Grounds, and Equipment
1. Routine repair and maintenance of motor vehicles, ranch equipment, road grader, and snow removal equipment
2. Maintenance of ERROA structures, grounds, ponds, and riparian areas
3. Maintain pedestrian trail system in ERR
Administrative Responsibilities
1. Hire, supervise, and schedule contractors and part-time employees as needed
2. Plan and implement projects as approved by Board
3. Purchase, manage budgets, file, and maintain records
4. Advise ERROA Board on issues pertinent to sound management of property for residential, agricultural, and recreational purposes.
Management of Resident Homes
1. Assist Board to maintain compliance with covenants and design review guidelines.
2. Organize snow removal for residential driveways
Compensation will be negotiated based on experience, and may include vacation time, rent-free residence and a personal vehicle for ERROA business.
Submit written Resumes with Salary Requirements to [FILLED]
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Administrative/Operations Jobs, All Ranch Jobs, Ranch Manager Jobs