7 Arrows Ranch
Wanted – a married couple with good credit and references, capable of doing ranch work, carpenter work, maintaining machinery, house cleaning, cooking and have experience with most of what is listed under duties below.
We will only consider Married couples, non-smokers, and couples that have experience in most of the duties listed below. Common sense, good attitude, self-motivation, able to work independently, good attention to detail & reliability required. Most important is that you both have the gift of gratitude and a love of life.
You will be provided with a 1,280 sq foot, 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home in an apple orchard, with a large garden area and root cellar, and 60 acres to run two horses on. All in the middle of a 9,000 acre ranch in the southern Black Hills of South Dakota. (A great place to raise kids but you will only be allowed one dog on the ranch and no cats in the house)
Compared to most ranch jobs – way less hours, and a monthly salary based upon your experience, possibly even a 5-acre parcel of land after so many years of working for us.
To get a better understanding of what we are looking for, look me up on Amazon under books. Type in “Gary W Friendshuh” and look at the table of Contents of “A Path Less Taken”. If you want to know even more read the chapter “A year on the ranch”. (I make no money on the sale of these books. Any small profit is given 100% to children’s charities.)
Some of your duties will include the following:
- Willing to clean our home 4 hours a week
- Willing to cook three meals a week
- Willing to grocery shop (I have charge account at store)
Husband and/or wife
- Cleaning up after horses
- Checking, building and maintaining fences
- Checking and possibly doctoring cattle
- During the 60 day calving season, checking and tagging calves
- Feeding cows
- Helping with branding, preconditioning, pregtesting, and shipping
- Maintaining machinery
- Building sheds and other carpentry work
- Operating a backhoe or willing to learn how.
- Possibly butchering a steer once a year or so
- Caretaker type jobs like taking out garbage, painting, mowing lawn etc
If you have experience in most of the above, I will pay $3,000 a month.
Additional benefits include – one head of beef a year, two weeks paid vacation, one day a week off, and occasional use of the following – a cabin on the mountain, a 20 foot stock trailer, a 30 foot flatbed trailer, a 16 foot dump trailer, a ¾ ton diesel truck, two tractors, a wood chipper and a Ranger.
Five days a week will be eight-hour days, one day a week will be a one-hour day. For three months in the winter your days will be anywhere from one to three hours a day.
After working here for two years, I will put in writing that after 8 or 9 more years of working for us I will give you free and clear title to five acres on the south shore of Angostura Reservoir, which in the mean time you can use. Google south shore ranch — where the 5 acres are.
Note we may be gone for an extended period of time during the winter, in which case cleaning will be cut way down and while we are gone there will of course be no cooking. The biggest problem with all of this is there has to be a trial period to see if you are happy here and if we are happy with you. That is very, very difficult when you come from a long way away.
Send me an email telling me about yourself, your qualifications, where you are living right now, what you are doing for income at the present time, your present salary, how long you have been working at your present job, and your phone number. Tell me if you have animals in your home now and whatever else you feel I should know including your age and why you are looking at this time, and why you are applying here. (I understand if you are applying in several places but I would like to know if this would be your first choice and why) Include some references and their contact information. Do not call me until after you have sent the email and received a reply from me asking you to call.
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South Dakota Ranch Jobs
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All Ranch Jobs, Butcher / Meat Processing Jobs, Cattle Ranch Jobs, Cook / Chef Jobs, Horse Care / Training Jobs, Housekeeping Jobs, Organic / Regenerative Ranch Jobs, Ranch Caretaker Jobs, Ranch Hand Jobs, Ranch Handyman / Maintenance Jobs, Ranch Jobs for Couples / Teams, Ranch Jobs with Housing