Zach P.
I’m looking for a weekend Ranch Hand position somewhere in or around Hollister, CA. My experience varies but I am an Army Vet deployed to Iraq & Afghanistan with an honorable discharge.
I have well over 5 years of towing/hauling experience (cross-country drives, mountains terrain, off-road, etc.) I have driven large military vehicles (HEMTT) and pulled medium sized utility trailers.
Comfortable around live-stock. I have about 7-8 years worth of riding experience (western trail) but have been taking lessons to stay “up to date” (reining-style) over the past several months. Can clean/groom, turnout, muck and saddle horses. Studying up on rotational grazing and low-stress handling for cattle.
Some fabrication experience with electrical and material such as wet tile saws, circular saws and band saws.
I am eager to get into cattle work and soak up information where I can.
Not shovel shy, am free any Saturday/Sunday to work. My current job is a Dispatcher Full-Time in the Palo Alto area.
Type of Employment Desired:: Part Time
Experience Horseback Riding:: 5-10 Years
Need Room & Board?: No
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Seeking Ranch Job