Ivonne & Nubia
Veterinarian and Designer Sisters recently arrived from Argentina with extensive experience in ranch work and permanent residence in the United States of America. Looking for work on Ranches!
We have worked with large and small animals, developing genetic improvement programs, pasture management, silage, composting, environmental management and everything related to personnel management in the areas of production, human resources and administrative area. Specialized patient care, vaccination plans, and monitoring of clinical and nutritional treatments to achieve Animal Well-being. Holistic Veterinary Doctor for pet owners. Sale of zoo-therapeutic products and balanced foods for dogs, cats, birds, exotic animals, pigs, cattle, and horses.
We work with companies dedicated to producing white eggs, organizing an annual production plan, and verifying the breeding, raising, and production processes of the Lohman LSL and Hy-Line lines. Development of genetic improvement plans to standardize height, milk production per day, milk fat percentage, decrease in dystocia, decrease mastitis, decrease mortality in all stages of life in Holstein cattle, and implementation of intensive fattening programs in beef cattle. Establishment of cut grass/silage meadows and grazing. Management of crops and fruit trees, development of reforestation programs and implementation of composting and environmental conservation. Responsible administration, management, and sale of dog kennels.
As for the creative part, we have experience in organizing and coordinating events, landscape and interior design, sales promoter of clothing for animals, and design and production of handmade leather accessories.
Reach out via email or phone at your convenience.
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Seeking Ranch Job