Shane D.
Twenty year professional (1985 model) in the outdoor/farm/ranch / & real estate industries with a unique proposal.
You receive a responsible, dedicated, talented, and self sufficient partner to steward your investments …as well as peace of mind.
I receive the opportunity to work, live, and play in peace and happiness.
You have something I need. Big bucks…and bulls, bears, and beef (not necessarily in that order). Additionally, your community and what it stands for is important to me. And I aim to be a positive influence wherever I may roam.
The home place is remote/rural? No internet? Bad weather? Environmental hazards? Ungulates outnumber people? Perfect
If you are hoping to hire this position only once and prefer paying in ivory & rib roasts than we should discuss.
Raised on a grain farm in Idaho (hay, wheat, barley) with a small cattle operation (steers). Parents were outfitters (big game/fishing) in Hell’s Canyon and the Salmon River that included stock and jet boats. Professionally, I worked for the USFS as a Hotshot and independently operated a small real estate investment company specializing in rural properties following the collapse of the housing market.
I come with tools and equipment, if desired. Jack of all, master of none. Some equine experience. If it blows smoke, I can operate it.
Parent of two wonderful young Boys that share a passion for the wild outdoors. We are a package deal although parenting time will be intermittent. Priorities: Faith, Family, Friends, Football, Finances.
Christian principles. Non smoker. No alcohol.
Best fit would likely be a family owned/operated guest ranch with outfitting operations. Open to your proposals.
Contact me via Phone
(406) 403-4754
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Seeking Ranch Job