Wayne A.
I’ve worked 24 seasons on guest ranches, 14 seasons for outfitter as Head Wrangler, Camp Manager, and Guide/Packer.
Instructor qualifications: wrangler school, U.S.F.S. defensive horsemanship, riding/horsemanship and am a Certified Herd 2 Human equine therapy instructor.
I am currently the outreach/fund raising coordinator, grant writer and men’s house manager for a non-profit organization and volunteer for 2 other veteran-based organizations. I also have a very strong facility maintenance background (6 years as a hospital maintenance engineer) (6 seasons ski resort lodging maintenance).
I am semi-retired (64) but, still in pretty good shape. What I am looking for is an outfit that can use my knowledge, expertise and ability to figure things out and get things done. Some place quiet and peaceful with housing for my service dog and me. I don’t require much for pay as that would affect my SS.
If this sounds interesting, please feel free to contact me and lets chat.
Thank You,
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Seeking Ranch Job