John T.
I am looking for a new position working and living on a private estate.
I have 20 years experience taking care of horses, dogs, cats. I can also take care of raptors, chickens, ducks, geese, llamas, goats and sheep.
I am respectful of my employer and their property. I never have friends over. It is important to me to maintain my employers privacy. I do not smoke, drink or do drugs. I have no pets.
I am well organized and detailed.
I know how to properly maintain all the barns and buildings on property.
I walk the property line regularly and security.
I have a watchful eye for needed repairs on the property.
I can operate a tractor, bush hog and manure spreader.
The estates where I worked, where there was a household staff, I helped maintain the house. I ran errands, grocery shopped and pharmacy runs.
I kept the kitchen well stocked with food, beverages and organized.
Safety checks on all appliances, alarms. Made sure all mechanical devices in the house were functional.
Took care of the family pets.
I also chauffeured the owners when needed.
I kept the guesthouse ready at all times for family and friends.
As a companion I planned my employers daily activities and accompanied him. I also traveled with him.
Please contact me with any questions. I have a resume to send to you with a full work history
Thank you,
John T.
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Seeking Ranch Job