Jim G.
Horse ranch facility manager/trainer looking for position.
Experienced professional, multi-discipline horseman and trainer with extensive knowledge in ranch facility management, layout, barn design and function, as well as forty years of experience in horse training. If you are looking for creative and unique approaches to equine stable functions and management, I can help you develop or improve your dream ranch.
I am an experienced horse trainer with specialized training in equine behavior and training techniques, that head off problems before they develop. If you are looking for improved performance in riding and handling, I can work with you to design a program to bring out the best in you and your horse.
The ideal scenario would be integrating equine behavior and facility together- understanding what motivates horses’ behavior and how environment can affect the training.
Available for full time position or as a consultant.
Type of Employment Desired:: Full Time
Experience Horseback Riding:: 10+ Years
Experience Cow/Calves: 1-5 Years
Experience Roping: 1-5 Years
Experience Calving: 1-5 Years
Experience Fencing: None
Experience Cook/Chef: None
Experience at Dude/Guest Ranch: 5-10 Years
Experience Front Office / Administrative: None
Need Room & Board?: Yes
Salary Range:: $40,000+
What States Are You Willing to Move To?: All
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Seeking Ranch Job