Filled / Expired
Fernando F.
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Willing to Relocate: CO, AZ, NM, TX
Job Type
Full Time
Date Posted
April 13, 2020
Housing Needed
10+ yrs
Seeking employment with a large forward thinking cattle ranch utilizing or wanting to implement regenerative practices. Ability to think entrepreneurially and quickly with technical abilities as well as someone who loves animals and cares for them and the land they are raised on. Always striving to learn and be the best I can at any job I do by independent study and attending relevant courses and programs.
Relevant Experience:
- 10 years of experience
- Managed up to 63,000 acres, 900 cow/calf pairs, and 6 employees
- Responsible for all grazing management and pasture rotations, which includes: grazing plan, calculation of stocking rates
- Thorough understanding of different grazing techniques
- Monitor forage, cattle condition and animal performance on a daily basis to ensure optimal animal requirements are met
- Understand the value and importance of well adapted genetics for your environment and consumers
- Drought management experience
- Responsible for all round-ups and cattle work
- Maintain cattle inventory and projections
- Responsible for budgeting, construction and repair all water/fencing infrastructure
- Good mechanical skills
- Can artificially inseminate and palpate cattle
- Fluent in Spanish
- Focus on the improvement and establishment of native grasslands that in turn provide optimal nutrition for cattle and habitat to wildlife without the use of supplementation, machinery or herbicides: “A healthy cow is a productive tool.”
Relevant Courses Taken:
- Bovine Elite LLC “Artificial Insemination and Palpation” (College Station, Texas 2015)
- Africa Centre for Holistic Management (Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe 2011)
- Ian Mitchell-Innes “Mob and Holistic Planned Grazing” (South Africa 2011)
- Mark Bader “Free Choice Minerals & Supplementation” (2011)
- Jim Gerrish “Pasture Management” (2011)
- Bob Kinford “Herding and Stockmanship” (2013)
- Johann Zietsman &Jamie Elizondo “Sustainable & Profitable Ranching” (2014)
- Allen William & Ray Archuleta “Cover Crops and Adaptive Genetics” (2018)
- Kit Pharo “Profitable and Sustainable Ranching” (2018)
Willing to Relocate to: Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas
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Seeking Ranch Job