Heidi S.
Moving over to the US this coming Spring so I’m looking for a job similar to my own here in England.
I work with horses, cattle, sheep and have worked with pigs. I’m looking for mainly a cattle or horse based job as that is what I’ve done my whole life on our family farm. I’ve been calving and lambing since I can remember and I’ve worked with all age groups with the animals from handling youngstock to Stallions, bulls and tups.
I can operate basic farm machinery, tractors, diggers, dump trucks, telehandlers and fork lifts. I’m an exceptionally hard worker and strive to do the best of my ability. I’m a quick and very eager learner. Long days and hard work has never bothered me, I’m very easy going and very well self motivated.
I can be on the ranch on my own all day and you can have all faith that every job is done or I can work in a team and can be a good team leader.
Type of Employment Desired:: Full Time
Experience Horseback Riding:: 10+ Years
Experience Cow/Calves: 10+ Years
Experience Roping: None
Experience Calving: 10+ Years
Experience Fencing: 1-5 Years
Experience Cook/Chef: 1-5 Years
Experience at Dude/Guest Ranch: None
Experience Front Office / Administrative: 1-5 Years
Need Room & Board?: Maybe
What States Are You Willing to Move To?: All
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Seeking Ranch Job