Samuel U.
Looking for mostly any type of ranch work or feedlot job. Preferably a large scale cattle operation with opportunity to gain knowledge and skill.
I currently assist the operation of a rough stock company loading bulls and broncs for rodeos, catching and sorting horses and cattle.
I have diesel mechanic experience working on semi’s, tractors and pickups, along with driving semis with trailer on back roads, I can weld good enough to hold, and can bring my own set of tools, saddle, truck and gear anywhere in the country.
Phone:: 501-733-7830
Email:: samutley98@gmail.com
Type of Employment Desired:: Full Time
Experience Horseback Riding:: 5-10 Years
Experience Cow/Calves: 1-5 Years
Experience Roping: 1-5 Years
Experience Calving: None
Experience Fencing: 1-5 Years
Experience Cook/Chef: 1-5 Years
Experience at Dude/Guest Ranch: None
Experience Front Office / Administrative: None
Need Room & Board?: Yes
Salary Range:: $12-$20/hr depending on job
What States Are You Willing to Move To?: All
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Seeking Ranch Job