Mark G.
About Me
I am 60 years old and have a lot of life and work experience in a wide variety of fields. When I was 14 years old, I left home in Southern California to live in the mountains after reading a book. I ended up in the Redwoods of Northern California. I met some people up there that took me in. Crazy hard working country boys. They ran a redwood burl shop on highway 101 in the middle of nowhere. The closest towns were about 15 miles away and their population was about 300. Within two days, I was out in the woods running cables down a mountain through brush to pull huge burls up the mountain. We would take them back to the burl yard and with a 12-foot Alaskan sawmill with a huge Stihl chainsaw on each end cut them into tables, clocks and bar tops. I really thought they were trying to work me so hard I would run back home, but that didn’t happen. They taught me what hard work was and this little, long-haired skater kid from the city didn’t give up. Before long I was working on ranches and helping build homesteads out of bare land. Building houses, log cabins milling All the wood splitting shingles setting up irrigation and water systems everything we did ourselves and with help from others back in the hills. I was as far back in the mountains than I could have ever imagined. I was told by my grandmother once told me idol hands are the devil’s workshop. Well on a ranch or a piece of land if your bored or have nothing to do your eyes must be closed. It’s a lifestyle not just a job. That is where I thrive and am happy. When hard times hit the area or in the economy in general, I would go where the work is and learn another trade.
Some Work History
- Worked on ranches and homesteads Basic carpentry Electrical, Landscaping, caring for livestock
- Worked in casinos all over the United states as a slot machine technician, slot supervisor and assistant slot manager worked for international gaming technologies as a casino services tech maintaining wide area progressive machines also as a consultant for a company to help design slot machines
- Have been a waiter in fine dining recusants Harris Steak house, MGM grand banquet room
- I was a cook/chef at a variety of Restaurants even ran a very nice small Inn and hotel in Northern California where I was the head chef. Was the personal chef and driver for a couple in Bel Air for a few years.
- Drove truck as an owner operator mainly Wal Mart loads but also did long haul when they needed
- High end custom kitchen appliance installer, installing very high-end kitchen appliances in multimillion dollar homes in Bel air Beverly Hills and Malibu mainly for movie stars and studio executives
Now & Recently
I had put the word out that I really wanted to get back to ranch work to the lifestyle that I was the happiest. I got a job at a small ranch in Lucerne Vally, California. In the Mojave Desert, it was owned by a couple that worked in the studios. I was surprised with the number of trees on it and unlimited water. 10 acre’s five horses one had cancer one was a retired show horse one with heart problems all rescues, goats’ chicken’s and peacocks. The place was run down and the few people that had worked for them before and the amount they were paying we will just say things were bad. I got to work. Within less than a year it had the greenest pastures in the area all crossed fenced with railroad ties as supports nice tight hog wire topped with one strand of barbwire STRAIGHT&TIGHT. Horses all had gained weight and Charlie the one that never behaved would walk to the barn by my side without a lead rope. They all looked and behaved better than ever, they just needed someone to talk too. I was there for almost 3 years and then COVID. They were out of work and couldn’t maintain the ranch and the house in L.A. I lost my job, my home and my truck. Lived in a campground in Northern California for almost a year during COVID. Then I got a call from an old family friend that’s 90 in Southern California. Her health is getting bad, and her daughter wants to put her in a home because she shouldn’t be living alone. So, I am living in her pool house caring for her, fixing her meals and working part time doing construction and back to doing appliances without any kind of help from her family. I need to think about what’s next because I am spending all my money and savings and when it’s her time the kids and grandkids that are not here for her are going to want to sell the house and surely are not going to compensate me for anything.
What I Am Hoping to Find
A very long-term job as a full-service caretaker. The further back the better I don’t have to go to town except for supplies. I do have a dog Seiko 6-year-old Grate Pyrenees Border Collie. I raised her on the ranch, she loves other animals and has and will protect them with her life. She doesn’t get along with other female dogs and takes a bit with male dogs she is a protector and was the only dog on the ranch. I like the idea of a caretaker because I don’t mind being alone and like getting things ready for the owners to arrive. Cutting stacking firewood, manicuring the grounds perfectly, maybe smoking a brisket for them so they don’t have to cook that night. Then disappear into the shadows unless I’m needed. But any kind of ranch work is fine. I do work well with others and am very respectful to others especially if you’re bringing me onto your property and around your family and friends. I would say grateful and respectful. So, drop us a line (me and Seiko) I’m doing this for her as much as me. She wants a job too and out of the city. I have a truck and enough tools to fill it, and the will.
I do not have any experience with cattle.
I don’t really ride any longer, maybe in the round pen if a horse is acting up.
Between working in casinos and driving truck; I have had very deep background checks and security clearances.
As far as compensation I understand how hard it is to keep two places going.
I’m not looking for a high wage. If that was important to me I would stay where I’m at. But I do want to eat good. Let’s talk.
Reach out via email or phone at your convenience.
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Seeking Ranch Job