Hobbs M.
Hello! My name is Hobbs, and I am looking for a progressive operation in need of a solid, forward-thinking cattleman/grazier.
I gained foundational knowledge and experience in the commercial cattle industry while growing up on ranches in the Panhandle of Texas. For the past two years I have been running an experimental regenerative grazing operation in Central Oregon focused on carbon sequestration through high-density/short duration grazing and nativizing cattle genetics to absorb a more demanding grazing regime. I have an undergraduate degree in Political Science and Government from the University of Oregon. I have strong experience in project management, and I have also written over a million dollars in grant funding.
I have developed a strong list of mentors from ranch managers to veterinarians to soil scientists. My life’s mission is to develop and enhance best practices that simultaneously improve the landscape and produce high-quality, low-input beef.
In the last 2 months, I have been making videos on the social media platform TikTok. Over that period I have gained 50k followers, and my most viewed video has been watched over a million times. People are excited about the future of agriculture, and I am so grateful to be able to share it. My wife is a remote executive for a large digital ad agency based in Los Angeles. She is also a fluent Spanish speaker. We have one daughter who is almost 3 years old.
Here is a link to drone footage we recently shot of a new pasture we recently took over and grazed the first time this spring. The meadow on the film has been abandoned for over a decade. This is filmed 3 weeks after the first graze. We grazed at 800k lbs per acre moving 4x/day. Across the fence was not grazed at all.
Thank you for taking a moment to read this and review the resources I have included.
Hobbs Magaret
Sisters Cattle Co
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