Thank you for taking the time to look at our qualifications.
Married couple early 40’s. Clean history and backgrounds. School age children. Currently employed. Prospective new employment must offer insurance and good housing. Also must be located in a good school district.
Education: His- BA in AG Science minor in Business
Her’s – Vet Tech, some college major in Criminal Justice
Experience: His-Over 20 years in all aspects of Ranching and some Farming. Managing ranches from 500 acres to 65,000. Cow Calf, yearlings and heifer replacement programs. Also high end private recreational properties.
Her’s- worked for large animal vets for a few years. Horse and cattle experience. Managed special events private and public. Record and budgets. Personal assistant and property management as well as shopping and stocking supplies and groceries for the property. Horse herd management.
We are a hard working honest couple with good values. We are loyal and trustworthy. We have the experience and standards to be an asset to the right opportunity and expect to be compensated fairly.
Please email us if you have found that we might fit your needs.
Best Wishes and God Bless
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Seeking Ranch Job