Jeff S.
As a highly skilled hunter, chef, and former lodge owner, I am seeking to utilize my skills in hospitality and ranch management.
The short notes from the last 15 years include me constructing and operating my own 2,000 acre high fence hunting camp, breeding world class deer, guiding hunts, owning and operating the largest drive-through Safari park in the southern US, building and planting 100 acre dove fields, constructing duck blinds from old train cars, raising and breeding exotic animals from giraffes to wildebeest, operating all types of heavy machinery, relocating to Costa Rica to construct and operate a boutique hotel and bar while mastering chef services for large groups.
I am eager to work for an established operation and fulfill my passion in entertaining guests, and utilizing my expertise is managing ranch property.
I can leave tomorrow, for anywhere in the world for the right opportunity.
Type of Employment Desired:: Full Time
Experience Horseback Riding:: 10+ Years
Experience Cow/Calves: 10+ Years
Experience Roping: 1-5 Years
Experience Calving: 1-5 Years
Experience Fencing: 10+ Years
Experience Cook/Chef: 10+ Years
Experience at Dude/Guest Ranch: 5-10 Years
Experience Front Office / Administrative: None
Need Room & Board?: Yes
What States Are You Willing to Move To?: All
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Seeking Ranch Job