Daniel L.
I am open to a variety of job types. I have a high level of experience in construction, ranching, maintenance, livestock, management, equipment operation, and more.
I hold a general contractors license, with extensive hands on experience in all the related building trades and skills.
More about me:
I am 63 years old, in good shape, with a diverse range of skills, and experience. My education level extends to a few years in college, majoring in Biology, and Agriculture, but does not include any degrees. I do not drink, smoke, or take drugs. I have never been arrested, and have no criminal record of any kind. I have worked in several scenarios where a security clearance was required. I am seeking long term employment, as I do not plan to retire any time soon, while remaining open to a variety of scenarios, in regard to job type, or location. People think I am at least ten years younger than my actual age. I have been proven to be a hard worker, capable of working, and physically keeping up with people 1/2 my age. I have held a variety of jobs, but never been disconnected from the building trades, since the early seventies.
I have managerial skills, and business skills that stem from over 6 years as a manager, and over 28 years of self-employment as a General Contractor. I hold a California State Contractors License. My skills include the following, all done at the professional level. General Contracting, (light commercial, and residential), cabinet building, extensive woodwork and finish carpentry, electrical, plumbing, painting , drywall-texturing, concrete, fencing, mechanical, and equipment operating abilities. I have a lot of experience on a variety of equipment. I have run bulldozers, excavators, graders, many backhoes, and tractors. I have run many types of small equipment as well. I am also a good mechanic, and have repaired, and maintained many types of equipment and vehicles. I am good with computers, and electronics, with experience in troubleshooting, building, and repairing both. I am a very experienced welder and fabricator. I posses a huge variety of tools related to my skills.
I feel I could be a valuable employee for many types of businesses, especially ranch environments. I am a clean, well-organized type A personality. I am intelligent, adaptable, a fast learner, open minded, and believe one can learn from anyone, and any experience. I possess strong ethics, and a strong belief that all endeavors should be approached with the best possible outcome in mind. I have always paid great attention to detail and appearance. I possess good people skills, and have experience with the public, and all age groups. I have worked in managerial, instructional, and volunteer positions, and could fit a variety of positions. I have volunteered for 4H, and Habitat for Humanity, with several years experience for both. I understand and have experience in ranching, agriculture, livestock, and ranch environments. I have owned small ranches, and have raised several types of livestock, including cattle, horses, hogs, sheep, goats, and small farm stock. I have owned several horses, but currently do not own one. I had small cow-calf operations, range land cattle-feeder operations, that involved leases, dry land farming, and irrigated pasture. I have haying experience, including all the related equipment. In my current position of employment, I am involved with approximately 400 acres of grass hay production. I am currently involved with between 140 and 200 head of horses, and 60 to 75 head of mules. They are used for riding, pack trips, and hunting trips.
I have extensive construction experience that ranges from planning through completion, including estimating, budgeting, and record keeping. I have extensive experience in renovating and remodeling. I posses a California General Contractors License, License # 554030 with B, Remodel, Plumbing and Electrical classification. I have extensive equipment operating experience, which includes well over 4000 hours on back-hoes , several thousand hours on wheel tractors, loaders, excavators, graders, bulldozers , including both rough, and finish grading dirt work. I am a very experienced welder and fabricator, and posses my own equipment. I have a huge amount of tools, related to my work experience. I have knowledge of computers, computer software, hardware, and their operation. I have built several computers for myself, and others.
In my current position, I am responsible for building maintenance, repair, new construction, and related record keeping, with computer software programs being utilized. I maintain records, and reports to the National Park System.
My full resume is available up request.
Many thanks for your consideration.
Phone:: 307-699-1668
Email:: dlaneinmoose@outlook.com
Type of Employment Desired:: Full Time
Experience Horseback Riding:: 10+ Years
Experience Cow/Calves: 10+ Years
Experience Roping: 1-5 Years
Experience Calving: 10+ Years
Experience Fencing: 10+ Years
Experience Cook/Chef: None
Experience at Dude/Guest Ranch: 5-10 Years
Experience Front Office / Administrative: 5-10 Years
Need Room & Board?: Yes
Salary Range:: $35,000 and up
What States Are You Willing to Move To?: WY, UT, NM, ID,AZ, CO
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Seeking Ranch Job