Kobe B.
I am looking for a job on a ranch, I would like a riding position but at this point I’m not going to be picky.
I have some riding experience, I have been riding since I was 5. I really love being in the saddle. I do not have any cattle experience but I have been working for a goat ranch in Pennsylvania for the last 10 years. I help with birthing and weaning, fixing fence, tagging kids, giving medicine, all around maintenance and everything in between. I am good with a chainsaw, or anything I’d need to use. I’m competent enough to figure out anything I don’t know how to use. I’m a good worker wether I’m by myself or with a crew, I can get the job done. I would be good in any job type, be it working with cows or taking people on a trail ride. I have good people skills, and good animal skills. I am calm and collected when stressful situations arise.
I am looking for somewhere preferably in Montana/Idaho/Wyoming and would require housing. I don’t need much just somewhere to sleep. I have been trying to get to Montana for a couple years but because I’m so far away, I can’t get anyone to take a chance on me.
I would very much appreciate any opportunity given to me, and would be more than happy to talk to anyone and answer any questions you could have for me.
I thank you for taking the time and consideration for me.
Reach out via email at your convenience.
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Seeking Ranch Job