Terry G.
Born and bred southwest Ohioan coming home late July/ early August after nine years in California. Technically retired in 2010, but have spent my time out here working horse ranches to supplement my retirement income.
Have worked ranches from three horses on five acres to 73 horses on 44 acres. Mostly in charge of feeding, cleaning, pasture management, supplement preparation, etc. In charge of all inventories, feedwise, mechanical, and medicinal, as well as the ordering thereof. Also in charge of grounds maintenance and the operation and maintenance of the equipment necessary to same.
Looking to secure employment that includes housing and a decent wage in return for a good day's work. No drugs, alcohol, or drama. Excellent work ethic and references. Should you see a need forthcoming, please contact me via email and I will call to discuss. Thank you for your consideration.
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Seeking Ranch Job