Gregory J.
28 yr old looking for a ranch hand position with growth opportunity. I want to eventually have my own operation and want to learn from an experienced rancher.
- 3 years experience living/working on 125 acre hay farm in North Carolina.
- Feeding and turning out 11 horses daily (3 years experience), caring for 5 dogs.
- Landscape work using tractors (bushwacking), ride-on mowers, weedwackers, chainsaws (2 years experience).
- Operating tractors (using forklifts, haying equipment), moving round bails with tractors, haying (1.5 years experience).
- Using ATV to round up horses that have gotten loose from pastures (1 year experience).
- Basic fence repair (wooden, wire, and electrical) (1 year experience).
- Basic carpentry work, building shelters for hay, wooden fences, wire fences, general repair work (1.5 years experience).
- Wildlife management (poisonous snake removal, trail cam set up/maintenance) (1.5 years experience).
Other: I have seven years of website management experience including marketing and social media management. If you need help with your web presence I can also do that.
Please email me if you are interested. Thank you!
Phone:: 617-510-4137
Email:: gregoryjcontent@gmail.com
Type of Employment Desired:: Full Time
Experience Horseback Riding:: None
Experience Cow/Calves: None
Experience Roping: None
Experience Calving: None
Experience Fencing: 1-5 Years
Experience Cook/Chef: 1-5 Years
Experience at Dude/Guest Ranch: None
Experience Front Office / Administrative: 1-5 Years
Need Room & Board?: Yes
Salary Range:: Negotiable
What States Are You Willing to Move To?: ALL
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Seeking Ranch Job