Joe P.
My wife and I have owned/operated a business for years that included; horse training, trucking, rodeo and a non-profit. Although they have been successful, we are looking to make some life changes in the coming year and head back out West. I could be available for full or part time, temporary (depending on salary) or year around. I’m looking for something involving horses and/or cattle and am also open to including other aspects of ranching. I’ve coached kids and worked with instructing people so I’d work at a dude ranch or family ranch. I’d also consider a “per job” situation for round ups.
I’ve included most of my work experience in my resume and letter. My preference would be Idaho, Wyoming, Montana or New Mexico and possibly Arizona (depending on the location.) I don’t mind working on my own but do enjoy a family work environment. I’m easy to get along with and am open to many ideas, so if you are curious about my fit for a job, please contact me! If you have something I can help you with this fall or starting in 2024, keep me in mind! I’m available after October 15. I have rodeo commitments until then and can’t leave them hanging. My wife would travel with me (she can work remotely from pretty much anywhere.) Although she is not looking for work, she’s a heck of a hand at organizing events and activities, planning horse related trips and running a rodeo program! She’s a great people person and is good at spotting health problems with horses. She’s always helpful if needed. Housing would be great, if not, we can live in the horse trailer. We don’t want to live in a group situation. We’d be happy to come personally talk.
My experiences come from a lifetime of ranching, farming and livestock work. Growing up in our family’s sale barn and on the family ranch, taught me much about crops and livestock and maintaining and managing both. I have become a “jack of all trades” and am proficient in most things that need to be done in the ranching environment. Through past experiences and hands on work, I have the ability to do the following:
- Manage and maintain a large herd of cattle.
- Manage and maintain a large horse breeding operation.
- Manage and maintain property, including; fencing, building, mechanical maintenance, pasture rotation, irrigation, managing and harvesting crops and hay.
- Prepping (till/no till), planting, organic/chemical cultivation, pesticides/herbicides, and harvesting.
- Operation and repair of heavy equipment and vehicles
- Operation and Management of Feed Lot
Although I enjoy all aspects of ranching, my passion is starting, training and problem fixing of horses. I have been training successfully for approximately thirty years. I start with a reining foundation and give horses a versatile starting point that will allow for good, all around, ranch horses. The horses I’ve trained have gone on to be adroit in roping, barrel racing, working cattle, trail, jumping, lesson programs, working in special needs programs and all-around ranch work. Many have gone on to rodeo careers from youth association to pro circuits.
My work experiences also include owning and operating a trucking company, hauling fresh water to the oil fields in Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Nevada, Montana and Nebraska. To run my trucks, I had to inspect vehicles for mechanical soundness, fix any mechanical problems, keep logs and stay current on all government documents, plan routes and meet scheduled pick-ups, for myself and my employees. The locations required driving in many different types of weather and geography.
I am a proud veteran of the United States Air Force, serving four years. My job title was Crew Chief and it was my first leadership role. I gained valuable knowledge as I was responsible for multiple departments and was the final authorization for the aircraft’s deployment. As part of my continued training, I attended technical school where I received my lifetime Airframe and Power Plant License for Commercial and Private Aircraft. Which improved my skill with Heavy and passenger vehicle full-service repair and maintenance, farming equipment, recreational vehicles, semi maintenance and repair.
As owner/operator of Exodus Ranch (501c3) and Southern Association Youth Rodeo (S.A.Y. Rodeo, one of the largest youth associations in the SE) I have had to use all of the skills learned through the years. My responsibilities have been vast and varied; rodeo coach, pick up man, working back pens, judge (IPRA card), roping/shagging bulls, setting barriers, making decisions, working with foster children, holding kid’s ranch camps, preparing horses for special needs individuals, helping with clinics, leading cowboy church, as well as ranch upkeep.
My strengths are work ethic, problem solving, common sense, ability to get along with most people, to fix/maintain things, and riding. I am a methodical thinker and learn by doing and observing. I take the time to do things correctly and think before I speak. My weaknesses are public speaking (large groups) and paperwork. I do it, I’m just not a fan. I have had the privilege of having help in that department. I have basic computer skills, nothing fancy. I would enjoy the opportunity to speak to you and answer any questions you may have. I am able to bring my own horses if requested or required. I am married with grown children and am a non-smoker.
Reach out via email or phone at your convenience.
References available upon request.
Actual Resume attached: https://www.ranchwork.com/wp-content/uploads/P-Joe-Resume.pdf
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Seeking Ranch Job