Position Wanted: Ranch / Estate Manager

Filled / Expired

Russ L.

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Willing to Relocate
Job Type
Full Time
Date Posted
February 2, 2019

As you can see from my resume, I have a broad skill-set that ranges from day-to-day business ownership, to high-level executive B2B sales, real estate/construction project management and subsequent negotiation with any/all types of vendors, investors/property owners, building operators, etc. Additionally, I have worked in the hospitality industry, and have planned & executed everything from backyard BBQ bartending to catering high-dollar, executive level functions. I have also been the Foreman of landscaping crews, operated many different kinds of heavy machinery, and participated in many different types of landscaping, garden construction, and tree-work – so I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty, and get down in the mud…if necessary.

What you cannot see on my resume, is the amount of soul-searching I’ve been doing recently, and the realization that I would assuredly prefer the stability of an opportunity like the one you’ve outlined in your listing – the pull to the fast-pace and large commission opportunities that are available within the commercial real estate industry just isn’t as strong as it used to be for me.

While I have never held the title, “Ranch/Estate Manager”, I have certainly been a business owner and a Team Leader in charge of multi-million dollar properties and the transactions within them – so I can put on a suit & tie, and go to battle with heavy-hitters…if necessary.

I am an avid lover of animals and am a fairly dedicated outdoorsman. I have trained my dogs to hunt, and love that type of work. I love being around horses, and love every chance I have to get in the saddle. I love to bow hunt & fly-fish – while being a good enough for my own entertainment, I certainly wouldn’t rise to the level of guide for either activity, but I’ve investigated becoming an Outfitter in many states in the west, and would certainly pursue that licensing…if necessary.

I assuredly understand what it takes for a facility to run smoothly (certainly from a real estate & business ownership/Operations perspective), I have a strong Sales & Business Development acumen, a willingness to engage in and an aptitude for learning – I know if put in the right position, I would exceed any/all expectations; I just need to find the right fit. I’ve always stuck to the theory that you hire for attitude & desire, and train for skill – i.e. – remove commercial properties, plug in the intricacies of ranch/estate management, add a little time…that’s the type of opportunity where I could truly excel. I’m also unmarried, with no children, so I can mobilize quickly, travel, and/or move at a moment’s notice…if necessary.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this position, my qualifications & work history, and answer any questions you might have – I feel like a Ranch or Estate Manager will truly be a perfect position for me, once we both find the right fit!

Thank you for your consideration, and very best regards,

-Russ L.

Phone:: 303.818.7707
Email:: russlee777@gmail.com

Experience Horseback Riding:: 5-10 Years
Experience Cow/Calves: None
Experience Roping: None
Experience Calving: None
Experience Fencing: None
Experience Cook/Chef: 1-5 Years
Experience at Dude/Guest Ranch: 1-5 Years
Experience Front Office / Administrative: 10+ Years
Need Room & Board?: Maybe
Salary Range:: Depends on the position
What States Are You Willing to Move To?: CO, MT, WY, ID, NM, AZ

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