Andrew L.
I’m interested in a position as chef for a small to medium sized family run dude ranch (20-35 guests). I have thirty years of cooking at the professional level. Five years of ranch cooking.
I enjoy occasionally inviting a guest or guests in to the kitchen if they request. I work with a great sense of humor. It can be invaluable. Creativity and pleasing guests are my motivation in this trade. I understand how important food is to the overall experience of any guest and take the responsibility seriously. I keep a spotless kitchen and I’m organized.
My food is focused on simple, rustic fare prepared well and presented appropriately. Aside from cooking I’m a musician who’s produced pieces for commercial applications and I also write and produce radio advertising. (In my spare time of course) I’m an avid hiker/camper.
For the past 3 years to present I’m kitchen manager for Florida Sea Base which is the flagship location for Boy Scouts of Americas High Adventure programs, located in the Florida keys. I prepare and serve up to one thousand meals per day during the main season. During the winter months we host conferences and the food is more upscale. Thank God the numbers are much smaller as well.
Long story short: I miss the ranch life. I appreciate my current position. They treat me well, but I haven’t spent a night next to a fire for far too long and life is short. I miss interacting with adults from places I haven’t been. I’m looking forward to cooking for smaller groups where the focus can be on the food versus the production.
Type of Employment Desired:: Full Time
Experience Horseback Riding:: 1-5 Years
Experience Cow/Calves: 1-5 Years
Experience Roping: None
Experience Calving: None
Experience Fencing: None
Experience Cook/Chef: 10+ Years
Experience at Dude/Guest Ranch: 5-10 Years
Experience Front Office / Administrative: 1-5 Years
Need Room & Board?: Maybe
Salary Range:: Will discuss
Your Current Location :: Islamorada, Florida
What States Are You Willing to Move To?: Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, Idaho, Arizona, New Mexico
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Seeking Ranch Job