Lance & Jamine R.
Husband: The Brawn
Professional facilities management, security expertise, maintenance experience (HVAC/Plumbing/Electrical), knowledgeable about animals, outdoorsman and animal lover/whisperer, pest management, experience using machinery (tractors, large vehicles and trucks, boom lift, excavator, back hoe, telehandler, large and small fork lifts), customer service expertise.
Wife: The Brains
Professional administrator, marketing expertise, experience in hospitality, management expertise, computer expertise, organizer and leader, business and entrepreneurial-minded, customer service expertise, health and wellness expertise, Plant lover/whisperer.
What we are looking for:
We are actively seeking a position that provides on-site housing (for ourselves and our 18 month old daughter – we currently employ a nanny), in addition to salary and benefits. We would love to work in a farm/ranch setting, surrounded by animals and lush nature. We are willing to work hard, using our God-given gifts and talents, in order to enjoy a slower-paced, more simple lifestyle. We are a bible-believing, Christian family with strong core values like honesty and working hard for the sake of hard work. We believe that we will be matched up with the right opportunity soon!
Housing Desire:
3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, preferably on-site or very close-by.
Combined salary of $50K, negotiable- depending on benefits and job.
Personal Note:
Hello Perspective Future Employer,
We imagine that you are here in search of individuals who you can entrust with a business that you have put countless amounts of blood, sweat, and tears into. We imagine that you are in search of hardworking, trustworthy, friendly, and just overall lovely individuals, to invite into your business or your life’s work, and we imagine how impossible that could be.
As a couple, we are experienced professionals and have enjoyed a blessed life that many would consider "successful": we live in the heart of Scottsdale – one of the wealthiest communities in America, we have good jobs, and a nice lifestyle. However, over the past year we have been feeling a very strong, collective urge to extricate ourselves from city-living to a much simpler lifestyle. We are deeply craving less hustle & bustle, and more nature.
We would love the opportunity to work and live on a farm, as a family, because we know that we can contribute greatly to an already established business that is in need of good, hardworking, individuals with unique skill sets.
We know you are out there looking for us and we hope that this website is the vehicle that will connect us!
Very respectfully, we would like to disclose that we are not COVID vaccinated and will not work for any employer that forces its employees to get vaccinated or its customers/guests to show proof of vaccination/testing.
Willing to Relocate: South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Southern Missouri (Branson/Ozarks area), Florida
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Seeking Ranch Job