Brian P.
Good Day
I am Brian, a qualified and experienced Wildlife Game Rancher, conservationist, hunter and small scale farmer.
Currently employed, I am managing a wedding/ conference/ youth environmental centre, as well as running a successful game breeding facility in KZN, South Africa. In addition, in my spare time I provide assistance and advice for the management of a 4900 acre game ranch in KZN, South Africa, which is part of a government land reform project.
I have almost 18 years experience in the wildlife industry of which includes tourism, hunting, animal husbandry and General Management. More specific detail has been included into my CV.
I would like to explore my career options into the United States by working as a manager on a ranch that could greatly benefit from my vast experience. I would recommend a part time contractual basis of employment and if my skills are well suited, a longer term could be negotiated.
Being 35 years of age with a wife (Manager of Elandsheim Retreat) and two small children, and of sober habits, I consider myself a mature and responsible person. I am reliable, honest and self motivated with strong organisational skills and work ethic. I prefer living out in the country, without the need of any city life. In the long term, I am interested in relocating my small family to a country that does not have the alarming growth rate of racial tension and political unrest as South Africa does.
The following is just some of the experience that I have, which would most certainly benefit any type of ranch:
Vehicles and Equipment
For example tractors, ride-on mowers, chainsaws, 4×4 pickup trucks, brush cutters, large off road Unimog type trucks, generators, water pumps (electric and diesel), motorbikes and fire fighting equipment. These are just some of the vehicles and equipment that I have had the opportunity to operate and maintain. In South Africa I have a drivers license that permits me to drive any vehicle up to 16tons.
Lodge and Staff Management
I am computer literate (including Microsoft, online website programs, etc). Basic book keeping and managing budgets are some of the tasks I currently perform. From the basic 6 staff that I employ on the farm, to the 20 odd staff that I have used in the past to coordinate functions and events prove my good personnel organisational skills. My vast experience in the Lodge industry is included into my CV.
DIY type jobs
When I first started in the lodge industry as a ranger we were expected to perform all basic DIY type of work, which included basic carpentry work, electrical work, plumbing and even some metal welding jobs from time to time. As I moved more into the Ranching and farm environment, more technical work such as vehicle mechanics and basic building was required.
Wildlife and Livestock
I can confidently say that I have the knowledge and experience in the following: The physical hands on working with or handling of animals. Animal drugs from multi vitamins to tranquilizers. DNA and profile record keeping. Erecting and maintaining various types of fences. Understanding, controlling and maintenance of animal nutrition. Alien bush and weed control. The use of Pneu-Dart Guns and darting operations.
I am an experienced wildlife rancher with a bit of cattle, goat and sheep experience as well. In Africa we have taught ourselves to become innovative in our management practices in order to survive the constantly changing harsh African environment.
Security and Hunting
My experience in hunting/tracking and anti poaching dates back to 1997 before I left school, when I worked on a De Beers Game Farm. I am a recreational “Biltong” (meat) hunter with a number of firearm licences in South Africa. Safety and ethical hunting is one of my top priorities. I still assist with anti poaching operations in the community from time to time. To date, I can proudly boast a 0% poaching record at my personal game breeding facility.
I am South African and would require a sponsored US Work Visa.
Should you consider my profile to be applicable to your requirements, I would look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards
Brian P.
Name: (First, Last): Brian P.
Your Current Location (City/State/Country):: Dundee, KZN, South Africa
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Seeking Ranch Job