Laurie K
Ranch born and raised in Colorado. But have worked in Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas and Texas. Worked as a vet assistant, pen rider/processing team, kennel and dog boarding, care of halter and convalescing mare/foal pairs race horse farm, dairy with replacement heifer calves / cows calving, zookeeper, vegetables/ flower greenhouses, feed store, guest ranch wrangler and Mom… boys grown / out on my own again..
Honest, responsible, hardworking , good sense of humor, good credit and references/ resume, no smoker, no drugs… have companion dogs ( 2 Corgis and old Bassett, mostly they guard the couch).. one gelding..
I have a few miles on me and but that gives me work ethics and common sense.. would like to find a job that it counts and is appreciated … am willing to move camp out of the state for the right job..
PS. Sorry not a roper so I will put down none on the list below hitting the side of the Barn doesn’t count…or mechanic but have been in the hayfield , can get a gooseneck trailer somewhere and unload/ load with a forklift ( a little rusty) and a heck of a stall cleaner with a pooper scooper fork…
Type of Employment Desired:: Full Time
Experience Horseback Riding:: 10+ Years
Experience Cow/Calves: 10+ Years
Experience Roping: None
Experience Calving: 10+ Years
Experience Fencing: 10+ Years
Experience Cook/Chef: None
Experience at Dude/Guest Ranch: 1-5 Years
Experience Front Office / Administrative: None
Need Room & Board?: Yes
Salary Range:: $35,000 – +
What States Are You Willing to Move To?: All
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Seeking Ranch Job