Hayden H.
Hard working, quiet, but easy-going guy looking for apprentice-type farm-hand/ranch-hand job. I work well independently or on a team. I have some knowledge of the trades and am a quick learner and willing to do whatever needs to get done to keep things moving along with your operation. Ideal position is one where I can interact with and learn from others with more experience. I can work independently but do best when there’s structure, hierarchy, and discipline.
For the Winter 2021/Spring 2022, I was employed in Northern Minnesota for Cascade Maintenance Services. My work duties involved general maintenance of a variety of vacation rental homes along the North Shore of Lake Superior. Work duties included: general repairs, general property maintenance, remodeling projects, tree-clearing, firewood wrapping, winterizing rental properties, and snow removal (snowfall of 13+ feet for the 2021/2022 winter season along with temperatures in the single digits & negative degrees). I operated equipment such as: skid steer, excavator, dump truck, jack hammer, chain saw, wood splitter, general power tools and lawn equipment. The area is a remote wilderness area near the Canadian Border with wildlife such as moose, black bears and wolves.
For the Summer of 2021, I worked in Soda Springs, California (in the Sierra Mountains/Tahoe National Forest) working with a family member who was the Caretaker of the historic Rainbow Lodge. I completed general labor for the mountain lodge–various odd jobs. While living in that area, I also worked for a local General Contractor on several house remodeling projects, demolition, etc.
In the summer of 2020, I lived in Tofte, Minnesota with a family member and worked for a local outfitter. I helped a variety of canoe and kayak enthusiasts load their vehicles in preparation for their trips into the Boundary Waters Wildnerness area. I also cleaned a variety of rental equipment returned to the outfitter depot.
Yes, I’m young, but a hard worker and not tied down to social media distractions or substances. I do my best to be a good person, an honest citizen (lean toward conservative politics, not COVID vaccinated), no drugs, references available, pay is negotiable depending on housing situation. As for housing, nothing fancy is needed as I prefer to sleep outside. I enjoy remote living. Enjoy chickens (fresh farm eggs) and organic gardening and wild edibles. I would like to learn more about hunting as I have only hunted small animals so far.
I am from Indiana, but worked a winter in remote Northern Minnesota and spent a summer in Northern California. I will consider a position anywhere, but prefer cooler temperatures so Northern states or Alaska are likely my preference.
Reach out via email for more details of my work experience. Full resume available upon request.
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Seeking Ranch Job