Trent C.
I am seeking an investor and or land lease agreement to start a dog kennel business. I have a diverse background in areas such as; agriculture, wildlife conservation and Texas Hunting Ranch with Kennel. Most recently I’ve been employed by an Orvis Endorsed Hunting Lodge in Fort Smith, Montana and private resorts in Deer Lodge and Big Sky, Montana. Currently I work as a certified NSCA Shooting Instructor and Montana licensed hunting guide.
The main clientele I serve primarily revolves around affluent persons, with my services reaching across the country. Engaging with high priority clients means that I maintain a high standard for myself and others. I bring an organized and professional manner to all settings.
My vision and goals are to begin a successful kennel business that supports the local area it encompasses while having intentions to evolve into a sporting dog kennel. I will provide a cover letter and slide deck detailing the business.
There is no ignoring the growth happening here in MT, and there is no doubt that it is affecting our companions as well. My business will provide a quality and trustworthy service to accommodate local and visiting dog owners. Seeking locations in Montana, however please reach out with all inquiries.
In addition, I am seeking accommodations for myself to help further support this upcoming investment.
I look forward to discussing my qualifications and/or proposition in greater detail.
Reach out via email or phone at your convenience.
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Seeking Ranch Job