Matthew H.
Hello, we are a Christian couple seeking employment on a hunting ranch/ranch as guides/caretakers/management. Interested in high fence opportunities as well. We have a broad range of skills and experience within the hunting/fishing industry, ranching/farming, carpentry, mechanical/maintenance skills, equipment operation, hospitality etc.
We have worked on various size grain farms, participated in all aspects of ranching, have some horse experience as well, worked for outfitting/hunting/fishing camps. We are comfortable being hours away from town/city centers. Hard work, honesty, positive attitudes, willingness to learn and team work, along with being able to work independently are what we strive for. Being able to provide the best experience for clients, satisfaction and pride in a job well done is important to us.
We are searching for a place to call home, with a great work environment and great people. Living accommodations provided is preferred. We have a 3.5 year old daughter and a well trained Golden Retriever. Hunting/Fishing and the great outdoors is where we thrive and enjoy spending our time. We are currently in Canada, we are willing to relocate to the United States. I am originally from the United States, I am able to work legally in Canada and the US.
Additional Skills/Experience for Matt:
- Guided for ducks, geese, swan, upland birds, black bear, moose, fishing
- Life time experience scouting/hunting everything from small game to large game
- Hunting Dog Handling/Training
- Trapping experience
- Predator management
- Game/Meat processing (skinning all the way to doing sausage, pastrami, hamburger, snack sticks, jerky, summer sausage etc.)
- Mechanically inclined (maintenance, servicing, repairs)
- Equipment Operation (tractors, combines, sprayers, loaders, excavators, dozers, skid steers)
- Experience putting in Impoundments/Food plots
- Cattle experience (calving, doctoring, sorting, herd health management, feeding)
- Commercial Fisherman (experience with salt and fresh water fishing, operating boats, maintenance/servicing/repairing outboard motors)
- Carpentry Experience
Additional Skills/Experience for Serena:
- Cattle experience (Calving, doctoring, herd health management, feeding, breeding management, marketing, halter breaking/showing)
- Operating Equipment (tractors, balers, haybine, swathers, combine, grain cart)
- Servicing Equipment
- Hospitality Experience (cooking, meal service, dishes, housekeeping, laundry, catering)
- Hunting/Fishing Camp Experience (providing the best experience possible for clients, assuring they have everything they need during their stay, comfortable being hours away from town, in remote wilderness locations)
- I have a passion for the outdoors, hunting/fishing! I enjoy learning new things and going on adventures
Something along these guidelines is what we are searching for. We are looking for more than just a boss, the most important thing to us is creating a family type relationship. A long term opportunity.
Please email or call for more information or details. References are available upon request.
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Seeking Ranch Job