Gary S.
Been there – done that and still can…
We are a mature couple looking for a permanent position where we can offer our 20 plus years of ranch management, caretaking and hospitality experience.
We both possess a strong work ethic, good communication skills, attention to detail, and are discrete about the operation we manage.
Together we provide an extensive background managing ranches with cattle and horses that encompasses breeding, foaling, training, showing, all around maintenance, feeding, doctoring/vaccination/vet care that focus on animal husbandry and conservation.
Our experience with farm and heavy equipment with knowledge of roads, ponds, pads, clearing, haying, fencing along with our experience of general ranch maintenance including, electrical, plumbing, construction, general welding and mechanic experience has proven invaluable to the ranches we have managed.
We are self-starters and team players for on-site or absentee owners that are corporate or private.
Being a hard-working couple that understands ranching is not a JOB but a lifestyle! Therefore we are always willing to work maximum hours for maximum benefit of the operation, independently or as a team.
We are available to discuss your position via phone or we can be reached anytime by email.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
“Ride for the Brand”
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Seeking Ranch Job