Gary K.
You will find that my level of education and experience are second to none.
I have a degree from the School of Ranch Management at Texas Christian University.
I possess a substantial skill set that reaches from Ranch Management into Natural Resources Management. The two combine to create a well-rounded and highly qualified Ranch Manager.
I have experienced many successful years in the cattle ranch industry ranging from high end ranch management to the everyday hands-on activities of full cattle care. In addition, I have a successful history of managing cattle on large scale BLM and USFS grazing allotments.
I have 9 years as the General Manager of Deer Creek Land and Cattle in Selma, Oregon. I skillfully managed 850 cow/calf pairs on 20,000 deeded acres and a 150,000 USFS Allotment. I was responsible for all aspects of Ranch Management including: Acquisitions, dispersals and capital purchases.
I have 10 years’ experience in Ranch Management Consulting for A and B Limousine in Grants Pass, Oregon. I was in charge of marketing registered bulls and operated a successful embryo transplant program.
I have had a lucrative career in Natural Resource Management as a Timber Sale Administrator and a Contract Timber Faller and I was a founding member of Northwest Timber Fallers.
I led many firefighters into battle for 15 plus years as a Type 2 Wildland Fire Fighter where I specialized as a Task Force Leader and a Falling Boss.
I can assist in making your ranching operation a success. I have a diversified skill set in both education and hands on application. I am a proven Cattle Ranch and Natural Resource Manager that has lived and worked in ranching from the ground up. I have a successful history of working on large scale projects in a cooperative team environment with State, Federal, and Tribal entities. I am a skilled Program Manager. I have experience managing work crews and employees. I am very experienced in writing and running contracts, budgeting, and developing specialized farm and ranch operating plans. I have been involved in the management for grazing allotments and private properties concerning policies for: Sage grouse, wildlife and fisheries. I have successfully taken newly acquired ranch properties and completed base property transfers for BLM and USFS grazing allotments. I have successfully initiated projects with state and local partnerships in rangeland management, riparian area management, instream, watershed, and wetlands area restoration projects for the benefit of ranch properties.
I am a skilled roper and horseman, knowledgeable in practical vet including C-sections, artificial insemination and embryo transfer. Knowledgeable with registered as well as commercial cattle programs. I also have experience with backgrounding, fat cattle, grass hay and alfalfa operations.
My wife has had a leading career as a Rangeland Management Specialist, Water Rights Specialist, and Hydrologist for the BLM and the USFS. Having also been raised in the cattle business my wife and children are also experienced cattleman, skilled ropers and horseman. I know that you will be pleased with our knowledge, skills, and abilities as applied for the benefit of your ranching operation. My wife took a promotion so we are relocating. Looking near and around the Pinedale or Worland areas.
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Seeking Ranch Job