Mahalie A.
I would like a job with cattle. It doesn’t matter if I am paid or not. I’m mostly looking to learn and work.
I’ve always had a passion for learning to work on a ranch and learn about everything possible to go with it. I do not have experience but I’ve read a lot about raising and taking care of cows.
I am open for any location in the United States. I’m a fast learner, hard worker, and willing to do what needs to be done.
My name is Mahalie. I’m 19 years old. From Powhatan Virginia. If you’d like to know me better, please reach out. Also on Facebook.
Type of Employment Desired:: Full Time
Experience Horseback Riding:: None
Experience Cow/Calves: None
Experience Roping: None
Experience Calving: None
Experience Fencing: None
Experience Cook/Chef: None
Experience at Dude/Guest Ranch: None
Experience Front Office / Administrative: None
Need Room & Board?: Maybe
What States Are You Willing to Move To?: All
Email Address Hidden
Phone Number Hidden
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Seeking Ranch Job