Eric C.
I am Eric, 63 y.o., NO health issues, married, with a border collie and a mare. Competent, diligent, dependable. Also, no BS, no drama.
- Semi-retired journeyman carpenter.
- Packed four seasons in the Sierra mountains.
- Cowboyed some, mostly day work, mostly in Nevada.
- Three years living/working horse ranches. Everything from mucking stalls to starting colts.
- Saddle maker.
- Can shoe.
Some of the best jobs I have had were places that needed someone who would do what no one else could or would. Kind of a gap filler. I work excellent on my own, like working with decent people, and I am still learning.
We are quiet and courteous people. My wife and border collie are retired, the horse can work. We all require respectable living quarters.
If you winter someplace bitter cold, well, we have done enough of that and no thanks. Also, if trashing Democrats is approved of at your outfit, please move on. I am not, and never have been, a Democrat, but they ARE Americans too.
I am very flexible about duties and pay (must be on the books). We don’t need any benefits. I cannot take a building maintenance job.
I can be counted on, 24/7/365.
Thanks, Eric
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Seeking Ranch Job