Tyler M.
Seeking a full time position on a ranch property to look after and be responsible for all aspects required of maintenance, upkeep, new projects and security.
I currently work at an outfitter and guest ranch in Northern Idaho where I am the “do everything” guy and also run the pack strings for elk season.
I am an ambitious learner, good teacher, humble and respectful with enthusiasm for ranch work.
Educated and hold diplomas in Conventional and Computer Numerical Control Machining as well as a certified yoga instructor. Attended university for some years for mechanical engineering and architecture and never finished. I am especially strong in wood building and construction, landscaping, and earth work as well as metalwork including some welding. Good combination of technical knowledge and artistic mind makes me unique. I am a versatile worker and a good problem solver.
Type of Employment Desired:: Full Time
Experience Horseback Riding:: 1-5 Years
Experience Cow/Calves: None
Experience Roping: None
Experience Calving: None
Experience Fencing: 5-10 Years
Experience Cook/Chef: 1-5 Years
Experience at Dude/Guest Ranch: 1-5 Years
Need Room & Board?: Yes
Salary Range:: $3,000 / month
What States Are You Willing to Move To?: Western states
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Seeking Ranch Job