Working ranch manager/foreman looking to manage a ranch for an absentee owner. With 15+ years of experience in all aspects of cattle operation and employee management, a degree in Animal Science and a professional background in finance, I guarantee that I will increase profitability, minimize expenditures and exceed all of your targets.
A family-friendly ranch is imperative, as is the ability for my children and wife to accompany me on the ranch as desired at the appropriate times.
Must live close enough to a town with a church for us to get connected with, sports options for our children and a high preference to a town with some form of moms group or women’s Bible study group for my sociable stay-at-home-mom wife to get involved with.
Work for my wife is not required, however she is an exceptional marketing and sales manager (in particular, beef and agricultural equipment sales), she’s a professional social media manager and she has years of experience with book keeping and office work. She is available to be hired and utilized as such if desired.
We are both proficient in Cattle Max, Word, Excel, creating spreadsheets and have the ability to learn new softwares with ease.
We come with a reliable truck, trailer, two working horses and a working dog.
We are open to moving anywhere that meets our requirements.
Full resume with work history and professional references available upon request.
I look forward to working for you.
Reach out via phone or email at your convenience.
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Seeking Ranch Job