Austin W.
Hey Y’all!
My name is Austin. I am currently serving Active Duty in the USMC. As a part of my exit from military service I am attending a 16-Week Program through Texas A&M AgriLife Extension for Beginning Farmers & Ranchers, finishing May 2023. It comprises 500+ hours of hands-on training, specifically in Production Beef Cattle and Ranch Management/Operation.
I am looking to become a part of the Ranching Industry Full-Time to sustain a life for my family. I have a high interest in cattle and cowboy work. My wife and I, along with our 3 children (6 y/o daughter, 4 y/o son, 1 y/o son) are excited for what this life brings.
I am a resourceful hard worker with a distinguished understanding of leadership, policies and strategies. Adept at conflict management, decisive leadership under stress and motivation. Committed to my duties and the safety of others. I am quick and more than willing to learn new skills and trades.
Willing to Relocate: Central Texas, East Texas, North Texas and Oklahoma.
Reach out via email or phone at your convenience.
Resume and References Available if desired.
Open to hear any available opportunity.
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Seeking Ranch Job